
We are passionate about using the scientific method to design and build things that work. We’ve been studying the science behind the techniques used in the Feeding Your Kids program for years, and believe there is powerful evidence in the literature supporting those techniques and explaining why they work. You can find a sample here.

In the live environment of the program, we continually study what’s working for users and adjust hte program accordingly. We believe we are collecting a great deal of practice evidence supporting the following assertions:

  1. That a consumer-level computer-based cognitive behavioral therapy program can be used to combat childhood obesity;
  2. That a single version of the program is effective in cultures spanning five continents; and
  3. That it can be delivered for a few dollars per user.

We’re thrilled to work with researchers who have an interest in evaluating these and many other lessons so that everyone can benefit, and have supported trials at two major U.S. universities.

Some of the more formal work we have done on evaluation study design is below.

Logic Model

Evaluation Study Design